February 22, 2025

To Pin Or Not To Pin…

That is the question!


Lately there has been a HUGE increase in the amount of pinning thanks to pinterest.com.  If you are unfamiliar with this latest craze, this website has officially become the fastest growing website in history.  It is used primarily by females to track projects, arts and crafts, hairstyles, decorating, recipes, and everything else a woman could possibly make lists and “boards” about without actually accomplishing anything.
My question is…how many of these pin projects ever see the light of day?  I mean, if you are in front of a computer just losing away hours to this website, how much time do you actually have to dedicate to completing any of these projects?  Or making any of this delicious-sounding food?  I’ll give you a few examples.


Ladies… Let’s face it, the only time you pray for your husband it when you are “praying he would get off the couch” or “praying that he would learn how to lift up the toilet seat prior to blast off”.  Is this REALLY a good use of time to pin???

As adorable as this little cottontail is…Do you really need to waste valuable bodily energy posting a picture of a bunny that plays Patty cake???  Pictures of animals without words are highly over-rated.  Stick a caption on that bad boy and a black frame around it and maybe then I’ll give it the time of day.  The fact that it’s under your category of  “animals” frankly makes it worse.

Here’s one of my favorite time wasters… How many times have you pinned an outfit on pinterest that you never looked at again???  How is this cute picture going to magically transform itself and create a mystical carriage that will deliver it RIGHT into your closet?  If you are anything like me…all this does is get filed away under the “Neva Gonna Happen” tab and you rarely if EVER look at it again.

My favorite pinner of ALL time: Miss Busy-Body.  She pins everything and anything from weddings (even though she doesn’t have a boyfriend) to cooking (even though she can burn water) to decorating (even though she lives with her parents in her 5-yr old room).  I’m sure you know the type.  It’s the newest way to make yourself feel like you are involved in something.

Myspace taught us to avoid creepers and “modeling agencies” while consistently giving you space on your page for your “top friends”  that went from 8 at first to 96.  So now that you have at least 96 friends, Facebook taught us how to remove the order and filing system and “like” our “friends”.  Twitter taught us to stalk our friends while reading; bringing back that ole ancient skill.  Too bad they don’t focus on the writing aspect.  If “you are what you read” as suggested in the Meg Ryan film, You’ve Got Mail, then society as we know it is falling into a state of Idiocracy far beyond the comprehension of Hollywood directors.

Pinterest teaches us to look cool to our friends WHILE pinning ideas for everything on God’s green earth and tagging them to Twitter and Facebook.  So it’s really a three-fer of bragging about things that you haven’t even done yet.  It’s the all-encompassing avenue for our creative juices to find their ultimate outlet… the world-wide-google-inter-web.


  1. As the wife of a deployed soldier, I rarely pray for him to get off the couch or put the toilet seat down. That pin is a good reminder to me of how to pray for him for things other than just asking God to keep him alive. Many people have pinned it with the intention of printing it out or painting it to hang in their home as a daily reminder. Yes, cute bunny pictures are a waste of time and bytes, but encouragement to give God all things is never a waste of time.

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