February 22, 2025

The “90” Day Rule: Does making him wait really pay off in the end?

A few friends of ours gathered in the living room last week to finally watch Think Like a Man, a movie inspired by Steve Harvey’s relationship advice book “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man“. (If you haven’t read the book, you can purchase it below.) The premise of the movie was to instruct women, if you will, on how to read and understand how a man thinks. A playbook inside the mindset of a man.

(You can purchase the book here on Amazon.com)

Now the movie had some very valid (and great) points, I’ll admit. But one of the “tips” I was interested in discussing with fellow ladies, is the “90 day rule” or “probationary” period as Steve liked to call it. It’s the notion that women should hold out sexually for 90 days before giving up the “cookie.” He compared the rule like this:


When you are hired on to a new job, you most likely start with a 90 day probation period before you are allowed full benefits. The employer wants to make sure you are going to do what you say you’re gonna do, show up on time, work well with others, and do your job right. Well, same goes for the vagina ladies. The vagina is a sacred tool and must only be given to someone who has earned and deserves your benefits.

Nowadays, 90 days seems like an eternity, but are you not looking for a long term relationship? Be honest ladies, every woman, deep down inside, wants a GOOD, GENUINE  man in her life.

If not, then feel free to spread your cookies as you wish. That’s your prerogative and there isn’t anything wrong with that. But for those that are… we want a long term commitment from a man and then, 90 days doesn’t seem too unbearable. Now some will say, you must test out the car before you take it off the lot. That is definitely an important aspect to think about.  You do not want to get too far in and then find out that you have zero sexual chemistry with this person because then you’re left unsatisfied.

Benefits of keeping your cookie sacred?

  • RESPECT.. R-E-S-P-E-C-T!
  • Real men like standards, so get some. (Direct quote from Steve Harvey)
  • Finding out if you actually have common interests with one another
  • Finding QUALITY over QUANTITY
  • Development of a relationship


  • Well. we are all thinking it… SUCKING in bed.

SO my questions for you ladies are:

Have you ever made a guy wait it out? And if so, how did it affect your relationship? Did it make him respect you more as a woman?

Does this “probationary” period allow you to get to know a person first and to see if there is a higher potential for the relationship before bringing sex in too early?

See what the male and female cast members really think of the “90 day rule” here.

Thoughts?! We would love to hear both sides of the spectrum on this one.


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