March 12, 2025


Marsha Marsha Marsha…let’s try that again. Me me me!  Much better!

As the famous Shrek once said, when it comes to me I’m like an onion, I have layers.  Which is very peculiar, because I am allergic to onions…very peculiar indeed.

Raised primarily in the south, I was born in Atlanta, GA and after moving to the west coast, I came back.  Someone once told me that 90% of people end up dying where they were born.  Guess there goes THAT unique trait about me.  I’ll just refer to myself as “Nationwide” in a ZZ Top sort of way.


If I were to state my life motto, I would say “Continually Improve” would be it.  This pretty much sums up my life.  I have been through the ringer more than a time or two and I have always come out on top.  Not due to intellect or “know how” but simply due to perseverance and consistency.  If you aim to continually improve you will move forward and progress in your life in every way possible.


I love to explore!  I explore with my son Diego Del Mar (pictured right…yes he’s a little hairy) and I explore in my limitations.  Recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Pernicious Anemia, I find that it is my duty to live a life full of risks and rewards.

I am passionate about health and fitness in an unorthodox way and I am a HUGE fan of corny jokes.  My co-workers find me hilarious and absolutely awesome… and I fully agree with them.  My friends think I am the life of the party, although I gave up drinking.  I feel that sobriety not only helps me to stay awake, but also it has vastly increased my ability to take mental notes for later use (i.e. blackmail, favors of secrecy, jokes).

I am also quite eccentric and I would much rather ask for forgiveness rather than permission.  See Exhibit A.  My cubical was incredibly boring.  Just a run of the mill cube with no personality at all.  Then, after contemplating the massive amount of time that I would end up spending in this hole of death, I made a few changes.  PRESTO CHANGO!  It appeared as if my fairy godmother used her magical wand of wonderment to transform my cube into what I now lovingly refer to as my “Oasis”.  Work productivity has since increased by ten-fold (ok, maybe 10%…but who’s counting?).