March 11, 2025

Exercise from your couch.. no really!

EXERCISE: A dreaded word that most of us have a love/hate relationship with. Every year as I anticipate for the Victoria Secret Fashion show to come on, I find myself saying, “UGH! Why can’t I just look like Adriana Lima?? ” Well, FATTY, because you don’t exercise and you eat like sh%#! Every year, it’s  Read More…

Six Ways to Cut Your Chances of Breast Cancer

By Sgt. Heather Golden This year, more than 200,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. It is something that has touched families from all across the world, a common enemy. The exact causes of this deadly disease are still unknown, and millions of dollars are invested into research every year. You can lower your  Read More…

The Waist Trimmer

I found this set of exercises the other day while browsing through some different workout tips. I modified the sets just a bit because I wanted to do at least 3 sets.  Depending on your personal goals, do this about 2-3 times per week to trim your waistline. (Don’t forget about mixing in cardio on  Read More…

Cellulite Schmellulite

We all hate the feeling of having that cottage cheese derriere or thighs that look like you just got hit with a bag full of nickels. Well here is a quick guide to help smooth away the lumps! via cosmopolitan   Do this circuit at least 3 times without stopping in between rounds. Also, some other  Read More…

Tabata training: the 411

Tabata training: Myth or miracle workout? Tabata training has been around for some time now as it was originated from the exercise research of Dr. Izumi Tabata. He used a very specific interval training circuit where he had cyclists perform 20 seconds as fast and hard as they could with only 10 seconds to rest  Read More…

I Love Yoga

Guest Post By Lindsey Freeman Yoga – Yoga (Sanskrit, Pāli: yoga) is commonly known as a generic term for a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline originating in ancient India[1][2] and found in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Via ( My very first yoga class was the summer after I graduated high school. I always had a strong curiosity about the yoga practice but didn’t really know much about it.   Read More…